Monday, March 19, 2012

Clearance, Clarence...

Or a lack of it is what prompted this little trick. If you work on shovels much you'll soon figure out, that with the cylinders bolted in place, it's nearly impossible to insert two of the head bolts. The simple solution? Tape em' in place before installing the cylinders, but only after thoroughly wire brushing the threads. I've mostly only ran into this issue on later shovels.


  1. Bam, I disappear for a minute and your tearing back into the ole shovel. Nice trick though.

    1. Haha, I'm never finished working on my shovel!! This one is for a customer though.

  2. Only on 80" cylinders. You do good work Wes. Hey, I got some +.0004 XL pinion rollers if you ever need any?

    1. Noot, considering the source, that is a major compliment!! Thanks! I've really been enjoying your blog. And thanks again on the pinion rollers, I'll definitely be hittin' you up.
